Travel hubs covering trips and standby adventures I've blogged about previously. There were so very many photos to go through to build these, and it was interesting to compare my memory to past writings, as well as current writing (during/post treatment) to past writing (pre-Lyme-treatment).
Travel tips hub:
These tips primarily stem from arriving in Oahu after 6 days stuck at LAX and being too sick to rent a car, as planned. On that and other trips the kids and I were either able or had to get around sans vehicle.
Travel mishaps hubs:
Beginning with our 6 days stuck at LAX up to and including our week in Oahu and a very unexpected second trip later that summer. Items destroyed or lost included a phone, laptop, and expensive sunglasses.

Travel Mishaps Part 2: Salt Water,Cell Phones, and Seat Turtles
Travel Mishaps Part 3: Less Mishaps, More (Sea Turtle) Serendipity
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